Wednesday, March 17, 2021

CCR final post

 Now this Is my final final post I am very excited that I am done Im really tired and ready to go back to sleep.

Film Final post

 As this is one of 2 final post I just want to conclude on how my experience was. Throughout the project I was confused more at the beginning but it got easier later on. Also everything was very stressful but surprisingly I pulled through.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Basic decisions about my movie

 Basic things about my movie that makes feel like a movie includes sound, sound effects, lighting, props, etc. In this opening has sound such as the voices of our characters dialogue,music and sound effects include characters walking  on various flooring, police sirens, gunshots, and many more. Now onto lighting. Since it is an animation but inside the animation we will make is a sunny hot day as the sun will be beaming onto characters and will show physical signs of sweat. 

Location and scouting


Well for starters I’m unclear on what scouting is really but I’m going to infer that its looking for cast members to play the parts. So, the answer to that question is my group mates and I are the best people we could think as our voice actors. It all started from the beginning of when we were building our script we knew we would need people to play in our film opening but we couldn't find any willing participates other than our siblings who are either too young to pay attention, listen to what we tell to do, speak and etc. The only person we had was one of my younger siblings but that is less then what we need as we didn't want to be in the movie ourselves. So, our best option was to animate it, and since animations are first on paper, we needed to voice act our dialogue because we all know paper doesn't talk. As of location wise Its simple our school Coconut Creek High School and our houses. We voice recorded at school and at home if needed then draw at school and home as school time alone won’t be enough to finish our drawings. If this was a regular live action film, it would be filmed in the same places just also add a park because our scenes have some that are outside. We could have also used my dad’s store owing to the fact that one of our scenes takes place in like a corner store type place  and my dad’s store fits that description perfectly. Now that I think about it is it too late to switch, I'll just ask my teammates to play a part. Hahaha I’m just playing I would never ask my teammates to switch our plans last minute...I’ll just force or tell them too. :3

Almost done with preproduction

 Ok we have had a long week with a three day weekend preproduction will be coming to an end. As we have made our shooting schedule and is rolling into production. My group mates and I have decided to voice record for 2 days the 15th and the 16th even though I think it will take one day to voice record since our opening scene is mostly action and not a lot of dialogue we chose 2 days just to make sure we have said everything the best way we know how. Now for the rest of the week the 17th-19th and if needed the weekend will be spent on drawing because we are making a animation. That's why voice recordings were needed, If we weren't doing a regular live action film voice recording wouldn't be needed. Since our voices will be recorded on different devices we would need to edit them together but that's next week on starting on the 22nd. There is a huge problem though none of my group mates including me know how to edit so we are hoping on one of the animator websites we found like animaker and cartoon animator have a tutorial/ how to video to help with the confusion. However I think this is very doable over the course of the next few weeks the only thing that would take some/ cause us trouble is the drawing of the scenes and the editing next week. My only fear is that my younger siblings mess up my work as they like going in my room and messing things up as if they own the place but yea only fear. At the bottom you can see my shooting schedule in more detail. 




Voice recording- 2/15/21-2/16/21 

  • In the morning (at coconut creek high school) 


  • In the day (at coconut creek high school/ at home) 


  • All day (at coconut creek high school/ at home) 




Friday, February 5, 2021

Im tired

 This is my last blog and its currently 10:51 pm. Im want to go to sleep so bad but here I am. So we have finished our storyboard today 2/5/21 at 10:05, after I ended up taking a nap which felt ok because it was short. However back to the film project. Since we are doing a animation we will need to do voice recording for dialogue and person to person interaction. We will also use already recorded sounds for background noise and sound effect and editing them accordingly. Now, we plan on shooting for three days a week edit for 2 which gives us a break for 2 days or extra time if it will be needed.  Maybe I should reevaluate my sleep and time management because first Im tired as heck right now and secondly I wouldnt be in this situation if I did this way way earlier but noooo A'shawn you just like to procrastinate like always. To be honest Im lost and dont know what else to write about. Well I submitted my groups storyboard and I think we have done decent job and should get a high grade on it.

Preproduction plans

My comrades and I have now confirmed our information for pre-production purposes getting close to actual production. Our film locations will be at school and our own personal homes only because this isn't a payed film, so we don't have an actual film studio. There will not actually be any acting it will be drawings animated and edited like a flipbook kind of way. These decisions were made because we only have 3 people in our group and my brothers were willing to help but it was  that we don't have a designated space for us to film and we don't have enough people to act anyways. The film will look like a children’s cartoon as again it will be animated and not with real people, also we aren't professional drawers. We will try and make it as bright enough to not harm your eyes of course but you can see it clearly. Texture feeling it will just feel like regular old paper, emotional I honestly don't know how to put this into words but there are no sad scenes or scenes that are supposed to make you upset and we are most definitely not trying to teach a lesson to anyone because you shouldn't be breaking out of jail. You shouldn't be going to jail in the first place just a quick disclaimer, so we won't have the guilt of cause some going and breaking out of jail. As of right now I have only one way of achieving this and it’s to work accordingly to achieve these goals. Have you ever thought of a person breaking into jail. I know that random it was just a thought I had typing this. Who would want to break into jail because they want to be in jail and for no reason at all that would be crazy and funny in my opinion.

CCR final post

 Now this Is my final final post I am very excited that I am done Im really tired and ready to go back to sleep.